Aditya Sengar
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Thanks for visiting my website. Here's a short summary of my research and freelancing experience.
I am a computational researcher with 5 years of research experience in computational chemistry field and 3+ years in computational biology with 100+ citations. My research interests lie in the multiscale modeling of physical systems. I am currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at Imperial College London working on oxDNA, a coarse grained DNA model to capture the kinetics and thermodynamics of nucleic acid systems. During my doctoral research, I focused on particle-based modeling of chemical reactions in microreactors and macroreactors. I did my undergrad in Engineering Physics from IIT Delhi. Feel free to explore my website to learn more about my research, publications, and other pursuits.
Here's a link to my thesis. and my CV.
I also run a successful consulting company, Sengar Consulting BV. Over the past 3 years, I have provided consultancy services to more than 30 startups/researchers/companies across the world delivering valuable insights and solutions to their technical challenges. I specialise in providing software and data science services in the life sciences (genomics, drug discovery clients) industry. I am most active on
Here's a summary of my projects:
I wrote a series of blogs on the science of catalysis at Imperial.
Part 3: Electrocatalysts of the future